Monday, May 14, 2012

May 2012 - week 2

Some of these are of the same flowers as last year.
It is amazing is how early everything is this year.
So, this is a record of spring 2012


The photo below is of my apple blossom rose.

This year, it did not die back very much, has grown larger than normal, and when the buds formed they seemed extra large. As they opened, they looked red. ???

The photo above is the surprise rose. It is much larger and cupped like a regular rose - it is just blown at the time of the photo. I have never had a red rose planted in that spot. I was afraid that the apple blossom rose had been taken over by a stronger plant, but now a week later, the left side of the bush is being to bloom with familiar small flat-faced pink blossoms.

I parted the 'bush' and it looks as though the red rose bush has come up immediately next to the pink rose bush. 2 for 1?

I still don't know how this happened, but every once in a while something unexpected happens in my garden. I love surprises!

This shows how the renegade rose & the apple blossom rose have intertwined. What fun!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 2012 - week 1

The hesperis (skyrockets) are fantastic this year. Years ago, I brought over a couple from my grandmother's yard. When they're done blooming, I let the stalks dry where they stand. The next year, I'm always joyfully surprised by how many there are & where they are located.

1 of the sneaky skyrockets that decided to fly across the yard & brighten up my hostas.

A great year for hostas (fingers crossed, no pests, hail).
A beautiful jungle.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 8, 2012

A Pinterest inspired "Easter Basket" for my adult children:

Monday, February 20, 2012

The year that winter didn't show up

It feels like early Spring --- the birds agree --- and the leaf buds are forming on the rose canes. Time to reflect on last year's growing season...

A surprise in the Japanese peony bush!
It had its usual glorious blooms:

but it also had this on the same bush:


I learned that the cheaper, faster growing Japanese Peony bushes have clay feet -- a regular peony root that it is grafted to. Still very pretty, although, I have read that these are not so long-lived as the true Japanese peonies. Well  I will enjoy it while it lasts.